Golf is a game which has suffered tremendous entry barriers. There are many who don’t even think of experimenting with the game, not fully comprehending the many benefits that a game like golf can present. This game is especially beneficial for kids in growing age, not just for sporty fitness, but several values and soft skills as well.
Unsure of what we’re talking about here? Let’s tell you in detail.
- Golf is for everyone.
It is not a game which favours a certain body type, gender or age. Right from early childhood to senior years, this game finds favour among all. In fact, the magic this game can work for children with special needs has of late been recognized and lauded too. - Golf is a value-based game.
In golf, you don’t have an opponent. You are playing against yourself, without any umpire or referee to keep an eye on you. As a consequence, you develop greater levels of honesty and integrity. In addition, golf teaches respect for your fellow playmates. - Golf instills skills.
Focus, concentration, strategy – these are the three skills you can easily learn while practicing golf. What shall be your next step, where are you supposed to swing the ball – answering all these questions requires a calm focus as, as well as strategic decision making. - Golf strengthens networking.
This one needs no explanation. The long walk between shots gives you time to talk, relax, breathe and network. Many a business deals, we’ve been told, have been hacked on the golf greens. - Golf is a lifestyle.
Golf teaches you poise. It mandates a very specific attire – not a uniform – which breeds in a sense of style. Golf is a sport which has been equated with being a lifestyle – no less!
Exposing kids to such a game early on in life, hence, lays down some solid foundations for a future that is full of values, skills and opportunities to grow. The Golf Revolution is doing its bit for bringing this game to students all across India – get in touch with us to know more!